Annual General Meeting
will be held on Tuesday 13th March 2018 at Carlton Social Club, 896
Gleadless Road, Sheffield S12 2QF starting at 8.00pm. (Directly after the Monthly Winter League
Delegate meeting)
Proposals for alterations to existing rules must be in writing and in the hands
of the Secretary, Arnold Greenwood, 6 weeks before the A.G.M.
Any teams and venues entering the 2018
season should attend, closing date for entries are as follows;
League and Teams KO entries 13th March
Division Individual KO 17th April
Fixtures will be available at the April Delegate meeting on Tuesday 17th
The Season will commence in May FOUL AND A MISS Sheffield and
District League
If the striker, in making a
stroke, fails to first hit a ball on when there is a clear path in a straight
line from the cue-ball to central full ball contact of a ball that is or could
be on, (that means if you can’t hit the left or right edge of a ball on, but you
can hit the centre) the referee shall always call FOUL AND A MISS, unless either
player needed penalty points before, or as a result, of the stroke being played.
The next player can play from where the balls come to rest,
ask the offender to play again from the position left, or at his discretion,
have the balls replaced to their original position. If replaced,
A further failure to first hit a ball on shall be called FOUL AND
A MISS regardless of the difference in scores.
If asked to play again from the original position, the offender
shall be warned by the referee that a third failure will result in the frame
being awarded to his opponent.
If you cannot hit any object ball centre ball striking, a FOUL AND
A MISS will be called
regardless of the
difficulty of shot. When a foul and a miss is called, all balls moved will be
replaced if requested by the player.
The maximum
amount of foul and a miss calls for one snooker is three times.
After the third miss the incoming player has the following options.
Play himself from where the balls come to rest at a ball on; and,
if snookered on all balls on, he has a free ball.
Ask his opponent to play from where the balls have come to rest;
If either player
needs penalty points before or as a result of the stroke being played, no miss
will be called unless the referee considers that the striker has made no effort
at all to hit the ball on.
03-Apr-2018 15:51 This site was last updated 04/03/18 Graphics on this site created by DynamicDrive.com & FlamingText.com |